GF's new Macbook

24 Feb 2004
This is so freaking typical...

Parcel arrives, delivered safe and sound, not a dent or mark on the carton. We open it up and I confess to being impressed by the solidity and presentation of the packaging - in fact I remarked that it was packaged like a porcelain vase.

This awe lasted until we actually touched the lappy itself: it was moist. The packaging itself also felt very cold, but we reckoned this was normal as it had been sitting in a cold van all morning. But I did not expect there to be moisture on the machine itself, especially not on metal parts like the exposed prongs of the power plug!!

Now, the machine turns on fine, so it's probable that it hadn't been sitting in a high-moisture environment for long enough for the internals to rust, but I was so horrified when I touched it that I felt like ranting! Every PC component I ever bought, even the bargain-bottom no-brand ones, had two things in common: plastic covers for power plug prongs, and a little bag of silicon gel in the box!!! How can Apple go to the expense and effort to package the thing like a box of designer chocolates and neglect these basic things? :o
Probably just condensation because it's so cold outside at the moment, ideally you should leave it for a few hours to dry/come back to room temp before use.
Nothing to worry about. As Matthew pointed out, cold metal meets warm air equals condensation, I highly doubt there was any moisture in the box.

I found exactly the same when I moved to the Canary Islands last summer. I took my my imac on the plane with me in it's original box, which itself was inside a second box which was very well padded and taped to hell. I found that upon opening the box to check everything was fine my beloved computer was absolutely covered in condensation. This was of course due to the cold air in Scotland meeting 28 degrees in Gran Canaria.
Aluminum + cold air = condensation. If in doubt send it back but if it works then forget about it and enjoy the rest of the Apple owning experience.

Oh and Apples packaging is as much of a work of art as the equipment inside. I remember unpacking both my MacBook and a MacBook Pro and its a great experience (normally :p )
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I know it's perfectly normal - I was just annoyed there wasn't even a little bag of silicon gel in the box, every other piece of electronics I ever bought has them!

For the record it's the plastic model, not the aluminium one:p
I'm really not sure but I can't actually remember the last time I saw silicon gel, except in shoe boxes. Kinda half tempted to go to the garage and look in my boxes to see if there's any.
Motherboard, PSU and hard drive, all bought within the last 6 months had it! My sound card and graphics card didn't, but they were in a sealed anti-static bag and I doubt there would've been enough moisture in the small amount of air trapped in that bag to create serious condensation. My amp also had some, and I'm pretty sure my tower case too.
It's perfectly normal. You are supposed to wait for any parcel to come upto room temperature naturally. Left for a couple of hours and it would be back to normal.

Or you can just rip it open and go nuts :D
Probably just condensation because it's so cold outside at the moment, ideally you should leave it for a few hours to dry/come back to room temp before use.

I left my Mac Pro sitting in the living room for 4-5 hrs before initial boot :o;):D

..and yes, cold air + rapid change of temp in warm house = condensation.
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