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Gfx card dilemma, choosing between 4070 or 7800XT or waiting



6 Jun 2004

Update at post #24


I really can't make my mind up between the two. On the one hand the 4070 has better ray tracing support for the future, DLSS, and seems to be a great all-round performer. On the other hand the 7800 XT has more VRAM, FSR is getting more useful, I can always turn RT off in games if it's a bit too much of a hit (and it's not like any games I currently play have it anyway!), and it's less expensive to buy. Additionally, there's PSU considerations. The nVidia card uses an adapter, the AMD card has regular connections. But the 4070 has lower overall power consumption.

Aside from much older stuff, the games I'm spending most of my time in right now are beamNG.drive, GTA V and RDR2. Playing at 1440p, shuffling monitor refresh between 120-144Hz depending on the game.

Alternatively, do I wait and see if the upcoming Super releases from nV depresses prices at all?
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