Ghost In The Shell 2 : Innocence

2 Aug 2004
London, UK.
I bought this at the weekend along with FFVII.

What a completely awesome bit of film. Just hits all the right spots.

Graphics and style are best I've seen in an anime. It's pretty dark and philosophical. The actions is tough and very entertaining.

Then, if you're into cyborgs, bots, AI, digital worlds etc, it's bound to appeal anyway!

Story extends the original very well. Very rare I think a sequel does justice to the original but this is very smart. There are plenty of links and references to the first film but it works perfectly. Instead of having to persuade yourself it's the same universe, keep reminding yourself it's the same story, you won't have to. It just feels like you've been away from GOTS for a little while, things have changed a bit, characters have advanced, but you're coming back home - for a good helping of cyborg kung-fu!

Recommend this wholeheartedly!
Aye, watched this one a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic stuff, really well done. Watched just over half of the Stand Alone Complex Series 1 over the weekend, 17 episodes down 9 to go :D Despite the slight differences from the films its superb.
i saw the whole of Volume One (i think that's what it is - massive DVD boxset £39.99 in HMV...really want it because the first film was awesome! :(

no money though.
Sic said:
i saw the whole of Volume One (i think that's what it is - massive DVD boxset £39.99 in HMV...really want it because the first film was awesome! :(

no money though.

It's only £29.99 from 2 popular online competitors. So that's £10 less you need to save up :D

I prefered the first film to Innocence but It's still a fantastic film with some beautiful animation and a quality soundtrack.
I was slightly dissapointed by the first one. I heard from lots of people that it was really good but it just seemed to end so suddenly. It didn't seem to have a conclusion.
loopstah said:
It's only £29.99 from 2 popular online competitors. So that's £10 less you need to save up :D

Thanks for that! Was looking for a reason to purchase the full set, the price was enough to push me over the edge :D .
You won't regret it :)

GITS:SAC whilst not being in the same continuity as the films is very good :) (and some of it's story lines are very similar to the films if memory serves).
I'm currently collecting the second series and really enjoying it.

What I would suggest, is if you haven't seen the original film for a while watch both one after the other (over a couple of nights maybe), I found it made watching Innocence much better as some of the events from the first film do have a very direct connection in the second one (a certain numerical sequence for example).

The manga/graphic novels are also pretty good, and you can see bits of them coming out in both the movies and TV series.
I just managed to get the last 3 DVD's in the SOC series for a fiver each. Bargin.

I must say, the last disk. Non stop action brilliance.
I saw Innocence when it was first released in Japan on DVD, I think this was a mistake. The film was amazing visual wise, but them quoting stuff every other line started to get me annoyed, which was made worse by me having to read the quotes (subtitles).

My friend said that a lot of fans complained about the heavy useage of quotes. So they brought out a version with a dub, using the voices from the series, which was a lot better. Quotes were still there, but I was not bothered as much.
The parade is my favourite bit :)

Saw this a while ago, amazing visuals and animation, was a bit confusing at bits but overall was great. I recommend GITS 1+2 for anyone who likes japanese animation.
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