Ghost Love Score, By Nightwish

22 Dec 2004
Rugeley, Staffs
Hi all..

For the past few months, I have been listening to this tune at least once daily... I was just wondering if there were any other fans of this tune on here? Its like 10:00 long, and its from the album Once... I'm not really a long term fan of nightwish, only have that one album, as the tunes I really like are on there, Im not 100% keen on some of the older stuff they did...

I just find this tune relaxes me.. which is rare for me in music (As I listen to Rammstein and the likes of, hehe)

I also know all 10:00 Minutes word for word lol..

Discuss :D
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Tommy B said:
I'm not really into metal but I just bought this off iTunes and one word...


Is the rest of their stuff like this, or more like mainstream metal?

Most of the stuff off Once is similar, I like Dark Chest of Wonders and a couple of others off there :)
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