Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Performance issues/stuttering etc

31 Jul 2004
I'm replaying Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (shut up I like it).

The last time I played I think was at 1440p on a 2070 Super. Since then I've upgraded and now I have a 3080FE, 5800X and 32gb RAM. All custom watercooled with 2x 360 rads and 1 280.

Using the FPS counter at 4k in high settings I'm averaging about 75-100 fps. Then every now and then it dips to about 20/30, I can't for the life in me work out why - any pointers?

I've had a similar issue with Control.. quite frustrating, I sort of semi intentionally stick with slightly older games so I can go all out on the settings, I don't feel I should need to be buying a 4090 to play a 4 year old game in 4k?

Have I accidentally activated some crazy setting that murders it?
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