Ghost Rider - spoilers

4 Apr 2003
Well, I went to see Ghost Rider with my wife the other night, and although I wasn’t expecting anything brilliant, I was still very very disappointed.

I won’t go into the plot or any spoilers not that imo it could spoil the film anymore but it turned what was a decent enough comic and character into a very mundane screen appearance.

I also thought that some of the scenes were quite scary for younger children (given it was a 12A). One mum took her kids out after a short while not to return. The family in front of me had their kid with his hands over his eyes for a fair few scenes. To me because of this, it failed as family entertainment and also failed as a more adult orientated Marvel comic movie adaptation like the Punisher leaving the whole film in limbo.

The way it was filmed and its content lost the Marvel Charm that some of the other movies have managed to pull off.

But worst of all, I was actually very bored through most of it and almost pegged it at the level of Legally Blonde 2 and Alex Rider - Storm Breaker for wanting to gnaw my own arm off.

On the plus side the effects were good.
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Yea, I saw this movie a few weeks ago and got just about what I expected. Personally I think Nicholas Cage is an aweful actor anyways and I think he was one of the many downfalls of the movie. Other than him the characters were bad, the acting was aweful, the plot sucked, and the movie just didnt seem to be going anywhere.

But I agree that the effects were good
Stiff_Cookie said:
Yea, I saw this movie a few weeks ago and got just about what I expected. Personally I think Nicholas Cage is an aweful actor anyways and I think he was one of the many downfalls of the movie. Other than him the characters were bad, the acting was aweful, the plot sucked, and the movie just didnt seem to be going anywhere.

But I agree that the effects were good

Yep id have to agree with you on this one, went and saw it the other night and i was not in the slightest impressed by the movie...although the special effects were ok-ish if anything.

Even Eva Mendes couldnt save the movie, she might have a cracking body but sadly she cant act either.

Alll in all its a movie i wouldnt recommend to anyone tbh.
I'm happy it might have been rated too low. Bearing in mind that it is meant to be as a guideline for parents on how suitable a movie might be for their child, it's still annoying that you can go into a 15 or an 18 film which really shouldn't be that harshly rated, and thus people start losing faith in the system.
Phew, at least I wasn't alone in my thoughts towards this film. Having thought about it a bit more, it's only redeeming qualities were Spiderman 3 and Transformers trailers shown at the beginning and my tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

I also noticed a distinct lack of Ghost Rider toys in the shops today whilst I was out n about which usually says it all.

Stiff_Cookie, I usually find Nicholas Cage a half decent actor and he has done some good action films but he definitely didn’t suit this role.
mrk1@1 said:
Stiff_Cookie, I usually find Nicholas Cage a half decent actor and he has done some good action films but he definitely didn’t suit this role.

I have talked to a lot of people who say the same thing as you or say that he is an awesome actor but I just dont see it. To me, his role and character is always the same; the cool, level-headed, guy who always has a smart *** remark to say. I never get any sense of emotion from him, whether he is supposed to be sad, mad, overjoyed, content etc, his voice and speech just brings across the sense that he is just reading the lines and playing the role rather than becoming the character, which, IMO is what seperates the good actors from the average joes

I think the only movie a liked of his was Con Air, which was an average film but I thought he played that role better than he normally does.
Stiff_Cookie said:
I think the only movie a liked of his was Con Air, which was an average film but I thought he played that role better than he normally does.

Yea Con Air + a few others, Face Off, Gone in 60 Secs and Lord of War off the top of my head.

I would have seen someone like Ryan Reynolds perfect for the role as (Johnny Blaze) Ghost Rider thinking about it.
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