Ghost Rider - Sweeeeeet

It looks ok, but man - theyre really going to town with the comic book ripoffs arent they :\
Scam said:
It looks ok, but man - theyre really going to town with the comic book ripoffs arent they :\

Hollywood smell's money, lots and lots of money, so much money they can swim in it naked.

At least its a new film and not another re-make.
Scam said:
It looks ok, but man - theyre really going to town with the comic book ripoffs arent they :\

It's an untapped source of inspiration for movies...just a shame most of them are half assed attempts...Sin City, V for Vendetta, From Hell, Batman Begins and the X-Men trilogy are all excellent adapations, the rest are pretty much instantly forgettable!
i got the first ep of the newish comic series they did ...... guy who wrote preacher did it, its pretty cool ...... the cage is a big fan of ghost rider i think .... hope it turns out ok, but previous adaptions of comics are a bad omen
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