Ghostbusters 3 confirmed!!

i was kind of thinking that their age could have made for a better story, theyre still ghostbusters but its gettin harder in their old age...(and continue from there)
Flibster said:
Ghostbusters is sill one of the benchmark dvd's imo. Ghostbusters 2 wasn't great, but had it's moments.

I LOVED ghostbusters 2, its one of my favourite films, i dont get why lots of people seem to think its rubbish. and that bit in the rail system with the echoes has me in stitches everytime
FordPrefect said:
Not often I'd say a film will be totally pap before its even in production but this will be pap. Will be just another cheap cash in. Although its truely terrible that they are considering Beverly Hills cop 5, 1 was an OK film, 2 was poor, 3 was totally dreadful and I cant remember number 4.

lol, thats cause it dosnt exist yet
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