Ghosts? Are you a believer? I didn't really until this happened..

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
West Coast of Scotland
This is a true story! This scared the brown stuff out of me! I cannot explain it.

I was invited to a wedding down south. It was my best mates big day, (an old school friend who I've known forever). It was an exclusive venue, and looked like it was going to be a brilliant weekend. We were all looking forward to meeting up again. I'm now living in the west coast of Scotland, so I need to plan these trips carefully. We also only get to see each other once or twice a year - it gets difficult when you have young families, and the distance between us all can be a pain. It was a long drive and me an a mate who was also invited decided that we needed to find some local accommodation, not too far from the venue. Somewhere we could meet up beforehand, crash, and somewhere that served beer. I let my mate choose the accommodation. I had total faith that he would choose something decent :-) When they day came I set off on my travels.

It was a reasonably straight forward drive - about 6 hours by the time I reached the venue and I was ready for that beer. The accommodation was an old farmhouse that appeared to have been converted into a pub/b&b. I thought nothing more of it. I parked up and could see my mates car, so knew he was already there. There were a couple of really old cars also parked up, that looked like museum pieces, and a couple of old sheds and outhouses. But it was strangely quiet. I got my stuff out the car and headed towards the front of the building. The front door was locked. No sign of life at all. It was very odd. I paused for a moment then walked round the back. I couldn't work out where my mate was, so I called him. No answer. I had a signal and tried again. No answer. I gave it a couple of minutes and tried once more. He answers... Finally I thought. I asked him where he was. He said, in the pub, I've been following you on your find my iphone and I can see where you are. I said great, how the hell do you get in? He laughed at that point and said yeah this place is a bit weird. He let me in through the back of the building. I walked through some dimly lit corridor into the main pub. It was totally empty. The bar was clean, and I could tell it was in use, but apart from my mate there was no sign of life. So we sat down and caught up. At this point, whilst I thought it was a bit odd, I was just happy to be catching up with my mate who I hadn't seen in over a year.

The bar owner eventually appeared, and apologised for their no-show. She said it was a quiet pub and was used mostly by the local farmers. They rarely had any other guests. She served us, gave us our key and said our room is at right at the top of the building, you can't miss it.

That evening, after a very pleasant meal and a few beers, in the best company we decided to call it a night. We were sharing one room, two separate beds (before you ask!..) The wedding was in the morning.

I was woken about 4am. Heavy breathing. Right next to me. In my ear. It scared the crap out of me I'll be honest. I turned over immediately and faced the wall. There was nobody there. My mates bed was over the other side of the room. I could see he was there, fast asleep. I just thought, ok he's snoring and the noise is resonating round the walls. I thought nothing more of it, and went back to sleep.

In the morning, my mate spoke with me, he said he had a strange night too. He said he was woken up about 5ish, with a heavy weight sitting on the end of his bed, weighing it down. He asked me what I wanted and I never replied. He thought I was messing around and told me to bugger off. Then he went back to sleep.

The following evening, we were chatting with the owner of the pub. I happened to mention that I had had a bit of a strange night, and my mate had too. She asked if the lights kept turning themselves on; then asked if the kettle had switched itself on, then finally she asked if the toilet kept flushing. I said no to all these, and explained our situation. She said that we had experienced something rather special. That not everyone that stays sees her. But we had seen the owner of the pub when it was first built about a hundred years before. She explained who she was, and what she does. She lived in the room above ours she said, in the attic. She died there too. She said she would show us her photograph. So naturally we were curious. She led us into the dimly lit corridor and there was a space on the wall. I could see that a painting or a photograph should be there, but the space was empty. She casually looked around, and said sometimes this happens too. The photograph moves around the pub. It was there this morning. It's not there now. I honestly didn't know what to think at this point. She said that they also had a live-in chef until fairly recently. He lived in the attic, until he met the "owner" one evening and he couldn't get out of the building fast enough. She would constantly flush the toilet, switch things on and off, and generally annoy.

Before we left the building we were having a bit of a laugh. We couldn't really believe what we had experienced. The lady said please whatever we do, do not leave a review stating that this place is haunted. She said they would get no end of ghost hunters and they didn't want that type of business. She said only a select few have experienced what we did. It was a very surreal experience. We didn't leave a review.
I'll just add that when someone was breathing in my ear, they were right next to me, on the pillow. It was a surreal experience, it wasn't my imagination, or a dream. I turned over in the bed to see who it was. The noise continued even though my ear was to the pillow. That's why I presumed it was my mate snoring over the other side. But as it turns out, he doesn't snore.
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