Giant jaffa cake

12 Mar 2005
Ok so not a great attempt but it was my 1st. I need to get bigger stuff for baking with so I can make my own base. Tesco never had any. Any ideas on where to get 12-14" deep pan pizza pans (no holes in the bottom!)?

1 pre-made flan base (this should be home made sponge!)
1 orange jelly (made with 1/2 the recommended water and add 3 table spoons of marmalade)
250g Milk chocolate
100g Plane/Dark chocolate
Jaffa cakes

Anyway on to the food :D

Start with some ingredients:

Make the jelly and stick it in the freezer to try and get it to set in time! I added some marmalade to the mix to give it more taste and some little orange bits. Moved this to the fridge just as it was starting to freeze:

Slap the jelly on the base:

Melt some chocolate (250g milk 100g dark):

Cover jelly with said chocolate:

Add some authentic cross lines and some real jaffa cakes and we get....GIANT JAFFA CAKE!!!!!:

Took it into work so should be a good tea break :D
Made one a couple of years ago. It looked 'ok'. Had to run for my train and it got smashed. People thought it was a car accident at the party but by the time people were merry and hungry, their tune changed quickly and once we all started eating it.......was delicious!
Mmmm yummy. Surely a flan case would have been just as good, if not better, than a home made sponge (as it's more flexible and less crumbly?)

I want Jaffa Cakes now :(
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