
17 Oct 2002
I have been approached about a job in Gibraltar (A&E Doctor), Im a bit fed up with the weather here and I fancy a bit of a chance so I'm thinking about it. I would be taking a 25% pay cut but the taxes are lower so I would be more or less even when it comes to take-home pay.

Has anyone been out there, what's it like?
I've spent a fair bit of time out there - its nice for a few days, but honestly other than drink there is just nothing to do. You can go for a walk up to the rock, bike ride around the rock, go for a run up to the rock.... or you have to hop over to the border to Spain... and depending on how relations are between Spain and the UK at the time that could take up to 2 hours.

Housing costs in Gibraltar are not cheap, finding a nice place with somewhere to park will be expensive. The flip side of this is you can live over the border (although not La Linea, its a ****hole) and get a lovely place for the cost of a packet of crisps, but you then have to deal with the border crossing every day and would be subject to Spanish tax jurasdiction.

It wasn't for me, I'd suggest a trip out there to scout things out. If you do go, stay at the Sunborne, its the only decent hotel.
Blackpool but always sunny. Full of tourists and cramped.

I didn’t think that it was as bad as Blackpool, I didn’t like the place at all when we flew over from Tangier on a day trip years ago, but I would have said that it’s more like Chatham with sunshine.
Once you’ve seen the rock and the apes, that’s it.
My wife saw a betting shop, went in and won a score, then went into M & S and bought a blouse.
We went back to the airport and got an earlier flight back to have a drink by the hotel pool.
It's tiny....

Nice place to visit but not sure personally I'd want to live there. You'd probably find yourself venturing into Spain quite often for stuff to do so as long as you are happy doing a fair bit of driving to get there it might be ok.

I assume being a Dr it will be easy enough to get a new job back in the UK on similar terms to what you are now if you decide you don't like it out there? If so and you're feeling fed up maybe it's worth a try!
Has anyone been out there, what's it like?

My brother has lived there for about 20 years. Working for the various betting companies there.

He and his family have really enjoyed it over the years. They did spend a time commuting over the border and it was a pain.

My god mother also lives there and spent some time in the hospital. From what I gather it was originally supposed to be a hotel. Morrisons is across the road which is convenient. :)

As for Gib itself, well yes, it's not much to look at but you do have Spain on your doorstep.

Personally, I'm not one for hot countries so it wouldn't suit me but he's been very happy.
Small, full of tourists, in the middle of nowhere, nothing to do.
Great for a day out 'hiking' but I don't see the point of living there. Decent Pizza Hut though. :p
Head to Australia if you want better weather and lifestyle. I can’t see what Gibraltar would really offer, especially for a pay cut.
They've been advertising for SHOs, registrar's and consultants for a long time (with pretty decent pay) - must be a reason why they're still looking after this time.
I have been approached about a job in Gibraltar (A&E Doctor), Im a bit fed up with the weather here and I fancy a bit of a chance so I'm thinking about it. I would be taking a 25% pay cut but the taxes are lower so I would be more or less even when it comes to take-home pay.

Has anyone been out there, what's it like?

Have you taken rent into account?

It's a tax haven for affluent people. You need a net worth over a million for residency or 2 million iirc.

Apart from that it's basically Britain but in the sun.
I love the fact that DrHouse's life is littered with career choices, job locations, and car choices which have been decided by a computer forum. It makes me tingly inside.




The man is a legend and I mean that with no sarcasm whatsoever. He's essentialy the Dice Man but posts in GD :D
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