Anyone got one of these yet? I tried one in Guitar Guitar in Glasgow on saturday and its very nice. A bit gimmicky but nice balance and tone etc. Oh and it stands for Barely Finished Guitaar and not Big frackin Gun as I'd hoped
Ozzie, yeah, there is something very playable about it. I guess its that your not too bothered about bumping it as you might with a fully finished standard. Like the single coil as well.
Ya, it is very gimmicky but the sound is pretty good. Can get some really nice Matt Bellamy style heavyness. Really punchy powerchords. The single coil is really nice for bluesy style mellowness. Its aimed at peeps with a bit more money to spend on a guitar they dont mind getting "gigged" A vintage would sound nowhere near as good. Tuning probably not as good either I guess.
Yeah, I was a bit puzzled by the kill switch myself. Sales guy demostrated it "Pete Townsend" fashion. I just went along with it and mentioned in passing how I'd been doing that with the pickup selector for years
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