Gift idea's for mothers day

Something from Ikea/Country Baskets, etc

Don't forget the card
A hug a kiss and breakfast in bed :)

Unless you do the easything and just think about it, After all its the thought that counts :p
For my mum I'm developing some photos of our pets (her first love I might add :rolleyes: ) and framing them up for her. We're having a 15 head family meal too and I'm getting flowers delivered to the pub on the night.

I don't believe in that commecial chocolates and perfume rubbish. For some it's enough but for me I have to make it a little more personal and sometimes usefull.
Zip said:
Unless you do the easything and just think about it, After all its the thought that counts :p

LOL, dunno why that made me laugh so much!

and think of things your mums interested in i guess, but otherwise chocolates, some flowers and a card would go down well i would have thought :)
Nonono, don't order your flowers online. And certainly don't use Interflora! They will be MUCH more expensive than they need to be, you'll end up spending £25 on a really rather boring looking basket thing.

Just use or similar to find a florist near your mother, and ask them what they can do for £15-20ish, give them a colour theme and maybe a particular flower or two you'd like to see in it. Sorted :)
sara said:
Just use or similar to find a florist near your mother, and ask them what they can do for £15-20ish, give them a colour theme and maybe a particular flower or two you'd like to see in it. Sorted :)

You're asking blokes to find a shop AND know about colour themes and name flowers!

It hurts, it hurts... it's not fair! :D
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