Gig Photography - various venues

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings

This weekend (staring tomorrow) Brechin is holding its first music festival with the main act tomorrow night at the City Hall - The complete Stone Roses.

I've been asked by one of the organisers to take photos over the weekend (excluding Saturday afternoon when I'll be taking footy photos) and just wanted some advice on possible settings to use.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be at the Hall doing some test shots (focal distances mainly)

Equipment will be

Canon 5DII
24 - 70 f2.8
100 f2.8 macro
70 - 200 f2.8 (probably wont take this)
Yongnuo flash

Since the venues will vary (will miss most of the outdoor stage stuff) ceiling heights vary roughly from 2.4m up to 5.5 - 6m high so bouncing a flash might not work at times.

the only other time I've done anything like this has been after the player awards when things spilled over into a pub afterwards. (i was drunk at the time as well!)

Looking at the EXIF ISO 2000 with a 1.6 exposure time works ok in that pub. I'm pretty sure i had the flash on full and pointed behind me a la wedding tog! I'm sure i could reduce the iso down a bit more and do some work in lightroom afterwards.

Any other thoughts?
I would take the 70-200 2.8 over the 100mm macro. I also wouldn't use flash at all. IMO it really kills the atmosphere in gig photos.

Basically, crank up your ISO, open your lens to 2.8 and you should be able to keep the shutter to around 1/100.
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