Gig Photography

21 Apr 2004
Southampton University
Well seeing as I currently still have highly limited access to the internet and so can't ask a few specific people like I wanted to...

What is the best way to get into this?

I've noticed a few jobs going around here but obviously most are expecting me to have some kind of experiance doing it, which currently I don't.

Now I am assuming that me just wandering into a venue and starting snapping would be very much frowned upon, but I really don't know how to go about being allowed to do it but without mountains of pressure to begin with to be producing decent shots.

I'm planning on applying to do this for the student union next year as they have several gigs a week that currently are being shot by sound/lighting techs with an F10/S5500, but obviously this won't be an option until October.

So yeah, any help on how to get started would be fantastic, guys. Cheers.
The specific job was a part time kinda thing for a company called sound control, I found out about it because they contacted my housemate who is a music reviewer, and she mentioned they were looking for reviewers and photographers.

The MySpace idea sounds like it could work, I'll see if I can contact a few old school mates bands aswell... :)
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