Gig tickets... what's the trick?

1 Nov 2003
St. Albans
OK so I found out the other day that tickets for the first Smashing Pumpkins gig were to go on sale today at 09:30.

So of course, I was there at the computer at 09:25 with a browser tab open for each of the online ticket places, with a search for 'Smashing Pumpkins' in each, refreshing constantly, the theory being as soon as the time came up I would stand at least a chance of buying in one or more of the tabs.

Needless to say, this never happened. The only one where I ever got to see tickets ostensibly come on sale was Ticketmaster, where I selected 2 and clicked 'next' but it then said no tickets were available.

A quick look on ebay confirms that a good portion of the tickets (it's a small venue, the Shepherds Bush Empire) are already on there, and have been for days.

Either the sellers already have the tickets, or they could be pretty sure of getting them. And that's just the ones that ended up on ebay.

So please tell me - what's the trick to getting tickets for hightly demanded events? Is it just a case of getting a job at a ticket vendor?
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