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Gigabyte Aorus 1080ti 11G- Before I RMA

23 Sep 2014
Looking for any suggestions,

Using with a Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD5H Black Edition Mobo & Flower 650W PSU

So I swapped out ,my solid stable Gigabyte GTX970, for this new card received today.
All looks good on power up, all lit up nice without any bad power warning LED's. And then the fun starts :/

It may reboot itself just after POST, it may reboot itself during windows loading, it may just display a black screen whilst windows appears to be loading ok in the background, judging by disk activity. Mobo POST LED indicates code A0.
Booting Windows in Safe Mode seems OK.
On occasion it might actually let me log into windows normally, but at anywhere between 1 second and 10 minutes it will reboot the PC again. Although I did actually once manage to get through a 3DMark Timespy benchmark and was browsing through the results when it flipped again.
Now before you say it, PSU - Ok so 650W is not much headroom above the suggested 600W minimum. So I have tried a spare Corsair CM850 which I had on standby. No difference.
I have reset the CMOS, ran with optimised defaults. Checked PCI-E using Gen3 etc.
I have also (when able to boot safe mode) Reinstalled the NVidia drivers 388.71 using clean mode install (Dont think DDU is necessary, clean should be enough).

Just checked BIOS version. I'm already on the last one (9D)

I hate having to go through the RMA process, so really hoping someone has an idea for anything I may have missed.
Last edited:
23 Sep 2014
Thanks for your suggestions. Gonna get my money back, Stick with the 970 for now.

Oh, and guys. I think maybe need to look up what RMA means, cant really return the merchandise back to OC without one can I?
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