Gigabyte Boot Loop

Does the board get to post.
What are the full specs of your system, have you tried a CMOS reset?

Yeah. I tried a CMOS reset but it doesn't post. The motherboard is a GIGABYTE Z77-D3H.

All the other parts are fully working and shouldn't have any compatibility issues.

It seems it's a problem with these boards.
If not, try removing the reset power leads from the mobo. One guy reckoned that worked for him.
Been reading up on this, seems everyone has a remedy of sorts, but nothing long term.

Yeah. I think it's dead. I tried the power trick but it still loops. I tried removing the reset power leads but to no avail. Which is a shame. I saw it was a cheap motherboard and it it was meant to be really good but i guess this was DOA.
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