Gigabyte F2A88XN with A6-6400k

31 Mar 2012
Hi all,

I am planning on building a new HTPC based on:

-Gigabyte F2A88XN mini-ITX
-AMD A6-6400k
-Combined with a picopsu or similar power supply and an ssd

Does anyone have experience with this Mobo or combination ?
What would the expected powerdraw be, idle and while in use?

Thanks for any hints/advice/thoughts,

Thanks for your replies.

Good to hear you are happy with this motherboard, and that the heat-sinks are ok, since this allows for a more silent build (one large case fan, or maybe even just passive by choosing a somewhat bigger case).

Memory 4GB, I intend to use it with just an SSD ( files are stored elsewhere).
Fans I do not know yet: I want the machine to be silent, so probably I will switch the stock fan for a low profile bigger fan.

Didn't decide on a case yet either (depends on the need for fans: If a small case means I need a small and noise fan, i will use a bigger case to allow a bigger more silent fan or even allow for passive cooling.).
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Just to add the first results, I now have the mentioned setup:

- Gigabyte F2A88XN mini-ITX
- AMD A6-6400k
- An SSD
- 80W picopsu

This gives an idle power-consumption (at the wall) of about 25W (with on-demand frequency scheduler but not much more tweaking or powersaving options).
The 80W picoPSU seems to be enough, with peaks of like 60W-70W usage on some occasions (I might try some stresstesing later).

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