Gigabyte G33 DS2R

9 Nov 2002
In a damp cave
Liking the board, but even after update to 4a BIOS I don't seem to have many BIOS strap options open to me with a 4300.

Still don't seem to have 1:1, even when i up FSB to 400mhz.

Anyone else have sucess ??
CrapshoT said:
my bored is your bored minus the raid and im a little miffed at the memory timings but hey all in all that aside its a good mobo so i cant complain just gonna have to keep or fingers crossed for a bios update to solve the issue.

You also have a 800mhz CPU ?

or do you mean no access to memory timing in BIOS ?


This is where i am until a CPU change - my memory is topped out here without dumping lots of volts into it (@ 2v atm) since my case cooling sucks.
This is orthos stable (about 13hrs) and OCCT.

Not had to bumb the FSB volts up, or NB atm.
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From a forum link.

Someone made them , IIRC it was at , but might have been here .

CPU has for more in it, but without been able to run CPU at 1:1 with memory - stuck here :(
They originaly said the 1:1 was not available at all, then have back tracked with the 4a BIOS and made it available for the 1066+ FSB CPU's.

Maybe it is a limitation with the gigabyte board, but doubt it - it seem they have crippled it for some reason - poss to keep Intel happy ?
Well i have a good clocking 6600 on its way, so over the coming weekend I will hopefuly be able to push the FSB.

At least I know that my memory can manage 555mhz easy, but doubt the board will hit that 1:1
Ok finaly had some time to play with my new e6750 CPU in this board.

Just completed OCCT tests (2runs = 1hour) @ 450MHZ FSB 1:1


Just bumped up the FSB volt option to +1.
This is a BIOS set overclock.

Maybe another 50mmhz is possible :D
Max stable was 465, crashed at 466.
Was running 6x multiplier so not the cpu.

Will up volts and try again.
damian666 said:
i've read somewere that this bored runs the memory at a default of 1.8/1.9v so half the memory that runs at 2v is running under volted might want to look into that. i get good results slackening my mem timings to seem to give me a boost on my 800fsb chip

Na its not the memory has already had it running at 555mhz (DDR2 1110mhz), so the memory is good for over 500mhz.

Its more to do with the chipset now i think, could be a CPU wall - but i will have another little play with it tom.
Im getting bad droop under load with this board.

Default set in bios (1.35v) is actual 1.285v underload.
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