Gigabyte i-RAM Solid State Storage Device > Anyone Got One / Getting One?

4 Aug 2005
Hi guys just seen on the oc website about the iram, just curious if anyone is thinking of getting one? anyone know how long the battery on the iram lasts? if i say installed windows onto it and had a sata hard drive for storage would it just boost the performance of windows or does it boost pc performance as a whole?
am getting soo tempted now :p but if i can't fit windows onto it then there really is no point :S load time of most games and apps isn't really that big of a issue as most load almost instantly!

I swear i have seen a vid of some guy loading windows onto it as it boots in like 3secs
anyone care to clarify?
ofc i have a 160gb seagate that i could put to use for that :) i'd mainly want it for the quick boot time hate waiting :D also if i had that would i need ram in my normal ram slots on the motherboard? anyone know how long the iram's battery lasts?
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