Gigabyte motherboard digital output into old Pioneer Amp DAT in.

19 Jun 2009
I'm planning on building a media computer using an old Gigabyte motherboard, a P55M-UD2. This board has digital output.

The amp is an old school 1989 Pioneer that has digital DAT input, does anyone know if the digital output from the motherboard will connect directly into this amplifier.

This is the motherboard

Digital output is the orange round circle.


And this is the amp. A-Z360/amp.htm

The DAT input is the orange plug on the back.


I appreciate any help or advice.

Thanks for your help, yes i'm going to try and hopefully it will work. I'm quite keen about my audio and was preparing to use my Xonar Essence ST card in this media machine, so if the DAT takes spdif i'll be very happy indeed as that saves using an expensive sound card. Plus you can't beat some quality old school hi-fi gear :)

One question you mention using 44.1 PCM, should I not be using 48 khz as this was the DAT standard?

Lucid, thanks again for your help, as said i'll try it when I can. As you say it's an old amp, but if the digital input works then it's a bonus.

Can I pick your brains on another thing. I've just purchased some 50w RMS per channel speakers that are 6 ohm (in my other speaker thread). This amp is rated at 60w rms per channel and takes speakers 8-16 ohm. Will I be ok using these 6 ohm speakers on this amp. The speakers / amp will just be used in the house and expect the speakers / amp at most will be run at 1/4 - 1/3 power.

Thanks for your help again. I was aware that under-powered amp running at full volume can cause speaker damage, however I never even considered distortion from the media source.
24 year old - DAC sounding better then Xonar Essence!

Well good news, the amp takes s/pdif 44-48 khz.

I've run the amp back to back with my Xonar Essence ST, and if anything the DAC in this vintage amp is producing a better sound!

I have the amp connected to new Yamaha floor standing speakers. I have the matching Pioneer graphic connected also, all working. The direct drive on the amp is working with the servo controls the volume depending on setting. could have easily spent £300 for new amp + £130 for a good DAC so i'm really happy at the moment.

The amp is 1989, but you can't tell by looking at it. Now trying to purchase the correct Pioneer surround 16 ohm speakers for the amp, found some on the bay for £10!
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