Gigabyte P965DS3 incompatible with Samsung F1 1TB Hard disk

20 Dec 2004
I just got my new Samsung F1 1TB drive, and I popped it into my machine, which has a Gigabyte P965DS3 motherboard. The drive shows up as 33MB !

There are some hints of it being a BIOS issue, but I am on the latest F13X version of the BIOS (also tried F7 and F12). No reported issues that I can find on the web though.

Anyone else had this problem ? (Cross-posting in Hard Disk/Mobo forums)

The disk was faulty, got another one and installed it, works fine.

Just bad luck to get a bad one - although researching it more thoroughly, it seems quite a few bad F1's out in the market at the moment.
The Samsung disk tools package is not compatible with the F1 series yet. Many RMA reports were actually due to the tool misreporting errors which didn't exist. (Not saying yours isn't genuine, but many actual reported faults are down to a duff diagnostics tool)

Yeah I saw that, but honestly that is Samsung's problem, not the user. If I download software from a manufacturer, and that tool tells me the hardware is broken, then in my opinion it's broken. Even if it's not.

Anyway, the new disk worked out of the box, so the other one was deffo borked.

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