Ginger? Well heres a place for you....

SideWinder said:
Hands up who has a ginger friend? I have one. :)

Me Too!... Actually its my Wife!... So I also know her Mother, Father, Sister, Nephew, Gran etc... Loads!... ALL Ginger!!!... (I'm Blond BTW!!)

Simian said:
Me Too!... Actually its my Wife!... So I also know her Mother, Father, Sister, Nephew, Gran etc... Loads!... ALL Ginger!!!... (I'm Blond BTW!!)


Ginger kids for you then :(

Simian said:
Me Too!... Actually its my Wife!... So I also know her Mother, Father, Sister, Nephew, Gran etc... Loads!... ALL Ginger!!!... (I'm Blond BTW!!)


I think you need to know this.... just incase
5) If a Ginger Kid bites me what should I do?

If you have been bitten by a Ginger Kid immediately wash the wound with soap and water. If you have alcohol or peroxide apply it to the wound. Then call your local poison control for further assistance.

Melm0 said:
I think you need to know this.... just incase
5) If a Ginger Kid bites me what should I do?

If you have been bitten by a Ginger Kid immediately wash the wound with soap and water. If you have alcohol or peroxide apply it to the wound. Then call your local poison control for further assistance.


7) Why do people call Ginger Kids "fire crotch"? Are there crotches really on fire?

A common misconception is that Ginger Kids' crotches are actually engulfed in flames. The truth is "fire crotch" comes from the fact that Ginger Kids have red pubic hair. It is similar to the nickname "Carrot Top".

KaHn :D

/edit :- no one whos ginger has came in yet :D
SideWinder said:
Do you have a grudge against ginger people KaHn? Bad experience perhaps? :p

Nah never pulled a ginger for fear of being turned :p


/ninja edit :- I have nothing against people who are ginger just find it funny sometimes :)
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