Hey all,
Sorry to start another thread off on the subject. However I had a silly, big fight with my girlfriend a couple nights ago, and ever since then I've been wondering, will we ever understand them? lol.
The fight was about trust. Pretty big, I know.
Anyway, this is what happened.
We were sms-ing each other and I asked her if she'd changed her mind on what she told me a couple months ago. This is how the convosation went.
Rob: So, can I ask. Do you still think the same as you did 4 months ago about me? Saying that you still don't trust me when I say I wouldn't leave you for anyone else?
Tammy: Hell no! over the last 5 months I've gotten to know you're not like the rest and there are actually some trust worthy guys out there.
Rob: Oh okay, that's good to know.
Tammy: Anything else you want to ask me that's been on your mind of late?
Rob: No, that's all babes. What about you?
Tammy: Well, yes, infact I do. Do you still think I'm gonna hurt you, and do you think I'm like the girls in your past that have hurt you?
Rob: No, I know you're not like them and I know you'll never hurt me on purpose. But weather you'll hurt me? I don't know.
That reply caused her to freak out. She sms'd me after that saying nice to know that the man she loves and has been with for five great months doesn't trust her. She ignored me for two days solid. Until I sms'd her this.
Rob: If I didn't trust you, I would never have started dating you. I wouldn't have let you into my heart after my bad past if I knew I was going to get hurt again. If that doesn't tell you that I really do trust you, then what are we doing here?
Now after that she apologised and realised that I do actually trust her. What I did mean in my second last reply was that if me and hurt broke up, that would hurt me. Although it wouldn't be either of our faults. That's all.
She took it completely the wronf way and made an ass of her self.
Are women generally like this or what?
Well that's my story. Other then that me and her are fine and going very well.
Okay, will someone please tell me why I posted this?
Sorry to start another thread off on the subject. However I had a silly, big fight with my girlfriend a couple nights ago, and ever since then I've been wondering, will we ever understand them? lol.
The fight was about trust. Pretty big, I know.
Anyway, this is what happened.
We were sms-ing each other and I asked her if she'd changed her mind on what she told me a couple months ago. This is how the convosation went.
Rob: So, can I ask. Do you still think the same as you did 4 months ago about me? Saying that you still don't trust me when I say I wouldn't leave you for anyone else?
Tammy: Hell no! over the last 5 months I've gotten to know you're not like the rest and there are actually some trust worthy guys out there.
Rob: Oh okay, that's good to know.
Tammy: Anything else you want to ask me that's been on your mind of late?
Rob: No, that's all babes. What about you?
Tammy: Well, yes, infact I do. Do you still think I'm gonna hurt you, and do you think I'm like the girls in your past that have hurt you?
Rob: No, I know you're not like them and I know you'll never hurt me on purpose. But weather you'll hurt me? I don't know.
That reply caused her to freak out. She sms'd me after that saying nice to know that the man she loves and has been with for five great months doesn't trust her. She ignored me for two days solid. Until I sms'd her this.
Rob: If I didn't trust you, I would never have started dating you. I wouldn't have let you into my heart after my bad past if I knew I was going to get hurt again. If that doesn't tell you that I really do trust you, then what are we doing here?
Now after that she apologised and realised that I do actually trust her. What I did mean in my second last reply was that if me and hurt broke up, that would hurt me. Although it wouldn't be either of our faults. That's all.
She took it completely the wronf way and made an ass of her self.
Are women generally like this or what?
Well that's my story. Other then that me and her are fine and going very well.
Okay, will someone please tell me why I posted this?