GIT for personal use?

3 Apr 2003
Hey all,

As a programming student I am constantly switching between working on my laptop, desktop, uni computer.

I was thinking of setting up a git for myself though i have no knowledge of it and just started reading a git pro book on train yesterday. It looks complicated but am sure its not as bad as looks and would be invaluable down the line in team projects/real world work.

So is git a good idea for sharing between my laptop and desktop and what would be the best way of setting it up? Should i keep a repo on my usb stick? Or use an online thing like bitbucket? I just want to ensure that i can work primarily on my desktop, but switch laptop on/at uni and carry on working with minimal fuss.

Thanks for any tips/advice.
3 Apr 2003
BTW private Github is free for students so no need for Bitbucket. I use got for everything including personal stuff. It is great for structuring your workflow and having backups across different devices.

Oh I didn't know that I will look into it thanks. Recommend having the repo on that then instead of one of my machines?

Is okay for multiple little projects right, will it just back up a whole project folder or do you make individual repo things for each little program?
3 Apr 2003
Signed up for my student github last night thanks for the heads up :) Does it actually offer anything over bitbucket?

Anyhow i am currently working through a programming book before uni starts back up and am coding all of the examples in the book. How would you go about using git for that? Would you just add the project/workspace folder in its entirety to a git? I guess i could keep doing individual ones as i am writing a program then just take it off git once done but i kind of want to be able to access them from both machines.
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