Git workflow help

19 Jul 2006
I'm sure this is quite common but up until recently when I worked on a project it was either on my own or as separate feature requests.

We currently work as a frontend /backend split which is fine, however, if I have worked on branch x pushed then started working on branch y, then the frontend guy wants a small change on x. I am currently having to commit my work on y then check x out update then move back to y.
I could do git stash?

Is there a better way of doing this? It's not the checking out of branches that's really bothering me its the having to open up all the new tabs again for the files I was working on. I'm using VSCode.

I dont think its possible but what I would like to be able to do is have my editor open on branch y. Then open up a new editor or new instance of that editor and work on branch x but i dont think that is possible

How do you do this>
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