Give me sound while at uni please

15 Dec 2003
Bedford/Derby, UK
Okie, Ive been packed up and arrived at uni now for 2 and a bit weeks...

Ive been suviving on very rubbish pc speakers (you know those next to free ones that get very crackly and tinny all the time...)

The only reason I have to stick out these was because i couldn't bring my 5.1 surround system with me - Its attached to my old room's walls - and slightly overkill for my small uni room....

Sooo... As I now have my loans etc... and possibly some spare cash....

I could do with something that'll sound very good on a budget.

I have digital optical and phono connectors from my X-Mystique Gold 7.1 card. I could just use the bog standard front speaker output (which i rather wouldn't).

Over to OcUK. Can you spec me a system that would possibly use digital input, and will put out some good overall sound. - Thinking no more than 100w/channel, or possibly dammned good 60/80w? Sticking with Stereo.

If I've been vague, ask away for any more info.

Ohh the budget.. as I do have something set up at home, and I'm a student... can possibly stretch to £200? maybe a little more depending if it'll make a big difference for a little more.

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Ive been looking at the Cambridge audio A5 amplifier....

yes it doesn't have any digital input, but i guess that isn't needed. Budget is more the case here - and I have found these cheapish second hand.

Also for speakers, the Acoustic Solutions Instate 70?

How do these match up? Bad choices? or OK? or good?

I'm not sure whats what when it comes to being rubbish or good.
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