Giving Back to those in Financial Difficulty this Christmas

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Delete if not allowed, but I am just trying to spread some great work people I know are doing.

When I first joined twitter over 10yrs ago I followed a load of local Cambridge people, as that's where I lived at the time. As you can imagine lots of foodies, but also a local business owner Neil. He runs The Cambridge Fruit Company.
He is such an inspiration for all the work done for the community. He constantly does community outreach to those in need in Cambridge and all through COVID was supporting families in any way he and his company could.

Not just through the donations to those in need from his own company but also working with The Red Hen project (

This year, they're donating Christmas dinners to those families who are currently suffering with significant financial difficulties. This could fall on any of us. It's something that is so valuable to the community and I'm so in awe of the work they are doing.

You can help them reach their 250 meal target by donating here:

I feel I'm in a position to be able to do this, but I know that many aren't, so if you are and feel inclined to be able to give a family a Christmas meal and change a life, go for it! Mention randomshenans in the comments if you do :) He'll know what that means.
We're donating towards a similar project in our local area. I must have gotten soft as I've gotten older as the thought of kids waking up with nothing and parents (who genuinely care) feeling ashamed over the situation etc really gets to me.

People can bang on about how Christmas is over-commercialised now and whatever, but the least people deserve is a decent meal on the day
I love it. Nice one man. I am completely in agreement.

This is going to be a tougher year in our house, as it's the first one with the family separated. We now have 2 houses to pay for etc. so we are scaling back and it's been great as the kids are like "we don't even want anything, we just want to enjoy the day and time together as a family" Which for me is the real meaning of Christmas.

Being able to give that to a family so they can have that time together to make memories is something I feel really happy to contribute to as well.
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