I use Bob Heath visor stuff on my glasses sometimes, that helps. Doesn't last long though, a day or two.
I also have this little plastic tube with some pink stuff in... my parents got it at a bike show and it's great. I'll try and find it, I'm sure there's a web address on it. It's like pink wax and you rub it on and buff it off and it works very well and looks like it'll last basically forever.
Found it.. no web address. It's called Gibs Formula Anti-Glare, and says formula 3818466.
Says Hawaii Business Show enterprises on it.
It's good stuff!
Bit of fairy liquid smeared on ur glasses and the inside of your visor.
I heard horror stories about NOT using visor cleaning stuff as it makes the visor brittle and in the event of an off, it ends up splintering in your face. It was a reputable national bike shop that this rumour came from and it was from a salesperson in the clothing department that told me that.
Has anyone else heard similar propaganda? I call it propaganda beacuse so far I have only heard that once. Frightened the **** out of me TBH.
Even though I have an anti-fog visor, I'm finding that if my visor isn't fully open, my glasses are fogging up.
Any solutions?
contact lenses.