Glasses for driving

3 Aug 2011
Up North
Hi all,

I have finally got to an age where I need glasses for driving, my question to you all is when I wear them I can see all things ahead nice and clear but all things dashboard wise (which I can usually see fine without glasses) are now blurred. Is this the way it should be ? ? TIA
Depends how correctable and nature of your vision loss/disorder, you might need something like varifocals.
have you looked into prescription windscreens then you'd have no need for driving glasses and the dash would then be unblurred?
Go to an optician, or ophthalmologist

An optician I’d say, an ophthalmologist is more like a hospital eye specialist who diagnoses and treats cataracts etc.

Hi all,

I have finally got to an age where I need glasses for driving, my question to you all is when I wear them I can see all things ahead nice and clear but all things dashboard wise (which I can usually see fine without glasses) are now blurred. Is this the way it should be ? ? TIA

No, at the very least you need bifocals, or possibly varifocals, your optician will advise you.
I started wearing bifocals years ago when I had an onboard trip dispatch monitor in my taxi, if I was driving and heard the ping of an incoming trip offer, I couldn’t quite make out the trip details without bifocals, and I had 15 seconds to hit ACCEPT or BUSY.
Any job that didn’t appeal, you hit BUSY, and it would immediately appear on the next nearest taxi’s screen.
I would have hated to miss a blinding £60 plus job because I couldn’t make out the trip details, and rejected it.
I can sympathise, OP. This is the exact problem I have. My long distance sight has needed correcting for quite a few years. I used to wear contacts or glasses. But as I've got older my near sight has also deteriorated. Now if I wear lenses for driving I have difficulty with the dashboard because it makes my near-sight even worse. I can see the speed OK but some controls such as the radio, etc, are too blurry. So I've stopped wearing contacts when driving and now always wear glasses so I can briefly flip them up or peer under them if I need to.

I'll probably try bifocals soon although my wife gave them a try and didn't get on with them.
Varifocals. Not cheap, but they work. Mine have Hoya lenses (camera filter manufacturers) which are 2.0 (no correction) at the lower third, dropping to 1.25 in the centre for arm’s length PC use and a very slight correction for my right eye in the top half of the lens.
Absolutely. Get yourself a prescription windscreen. They're a game changer.

Sounds great, right up until your Mrs the borrows the car, or indeed anyone else.. :)

With my prescription I doubt there is enough glass in the world to offer the +6.5 I would need!
or, car with heads-up display (information is at infinity) ... varifocals ere cheaper, though.

Does highway code say registration plate has to be legible at closer distances, though.
Absolutely. Get yourself a prescription windscreen. They're a game changer.

I honestly thought this would be an April fool. Amazing! Unless someone who doesn't need glasses needs to drive the car...?
I looked at the upload date ¬_¬
I got varifocals for just this reason. Some people apparently struggle with them at first but I had no issues.
Yeh I need glasses too especially for night driving, the glare is too much. I tried polarised glasses the other day and I'd say they help a bit during the day but the prescription glasses will be the best. Prescription with some level of polarisation (got to let in 80% light or something like that would be good for night(.
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