Glory, glory Leeds United for me please.

26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
Some people are born with or into HIV doesn't make that right or enjoyable either ;)

Anyway here we go again again with a load of old balls on why you have to support you home club from people assuming that the location on peoples profile is where they have always lived because they have never left their home town.

As bad as the yanks that have never left america and proclaim america to be the greatest nation on earth ;)

If you are comparing supporting Manu with HIV and the spread of the disease then i support your theory. :p

End of they day it doesn't matter what's written on someone's profile, the majority of Manu fans haven't even been to Old Trafford.
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
I'm sure there are Newcastle have fans all over England.

Just because someone isn't born on the door step of his chosen club doesn't make him any less of a fan then you or me.

So ******* what if Gimp supports Manchester United, He can support whoever he wants. Doesn't make him any less of a fan then you or me.

There are fans ALL over the country that support their teams and they don't hold a season ticket, or weren't born on the gates of the club.

Stop using such a weak argument.

Spoken like a true plastic football fan.

Truly though you and your friend are from different worlds than me.

Football isn't something you had a choice about, its like being christened as a baby, try having a say in that. You grow up and there's one team, and you might have some good times but generally its misery and body blows for life...that's what supporting your team, the team given to you by your family is all about. That is what football is to me, and to most people i know. Just a total way of life.

Choosing your team, FFS, i wish i knew what that felt like. I've more respect for any mackem than your general manc, they get it, no matter if they don't wash too often.
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26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
Plastic ?

I'm a season ticket holder at my "local" club :)

You think you feel more for your club then someone else who lets say lives in London, and only makes a handful of games a season ? nahh, can't agree with that.

Gone are the days of supporting your local club, you support teams you like, does this mean they're "less" of a fan then people who were born locally, I don't think so, I don't questions people's support of their clubs.

I think it's below the belt, you can support who you want, you can watch games all over the world. Football is a world wide game, you should be able to do what you want.

I meet different fans all the time, there is a boy where I work who supports Blackburn, was he born in Blackburn? no, do I think him of a "plastic" fan because of this ? no Does his parents support Blackburn ? no.

He just loves the club, people are capable of loving their club and being just as passionate as you. Even if they weren't born into the club.

Stopped reading at that, sorry.
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
Monday Newcastle Boro.

Im happy ish that Hull are terrible as well. Although I really wanted them to stay in the Premiership, it will be a shame to see them go down.. because I still think we can pull out of it and bye bye Hull

I'd feel sorry for Hull if we took their spot, i really would. Been terrible since November-ish time, but at least they had a good attempt at it. We've been poor since the 2nd game of the season and haven't played well enough to call ourselves a premiership team since, we've had a off-field season to match anything anywhere in the world in terms of crisis and mismanagement and that includes Sky1's Dream Team...but its down to the over paid, over the hill, no ability and heart players why we are there...very different reasons to why Hull are getting sucked in.
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
No idea if you meant it this way, so apologies if you didnt.

But by god that annoys me when parents do that, the child should decide which team he or she chooses to follow. Annoys the hell out of me when you see parents forcing their likes onto their children. Sometimes you see parents of young kids dressing them up in the shirt, scarf, hat of the football team that they (the parent) follow. God only knows what happens if the kid decides he/she wants to follow someone else...gets disowned and left in the gutter no doubt.

There is no way in hell that I would force my team onto my kid, they can pick their own one.

So people shouldn't christen (other religious right of passage) kids when they can't speak for themselves?

(I believe that btw)
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
You mean parents shouldnt force their religion onto their kids?

Absolutely not...I disagree with that too. Again as above, there is no way I would force my religious beliefs (or lack thereof) onto my kids. Its up to them to decide that.

Massive side topic if you can call if that, but yeah, i agree too.

Still make my son a toon fan, he can share the misery tbh. (specially since my ex (his mother) is a Liverpool fan)
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
Narrow minded.

Football unites people, the love for a club should unite people. Not where you are from / who your parents and grandparents supported.

People with attitudes like that are bad for football imo.

No its not, its the roots of football, deny it all you like to fit the modern sky generation of football as much as you like.
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
Newcastle have said it every summer that we need a clearout and a rebuild...

Well that means more than anything this year, if we stay in the premier league or not.. Mike Ashley must know he is in for some investment this summer.

I have never appreciated Owen being here, it was always a farce of a deal from the start. I feel for him though because ever since that game at Tottenham when he broke his metatarsel he has been gash, that and the world cup incident.

Wtf is Viduka all about, go and play for Melbourne or something.

Should never have played for England though, wasn't fit, wasn't ready...i've never felt for him, in fact resented him for most of his toon career.
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