Glossy v Matte Screen - 43" TV recommendation

31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
Recently got a new conservatory and bought a Samsung UE32T5300 (2020) completely forgetting about whether the screen was glossy or not and it has a semi-glossy screen. Reflections are bad(ish) in bright light but if I set it to Dynamic the picture is quite good. Like the TV and the picture quality and sound is pretty good for a 1080p TV. Using it with a Nintendo Switch and an Alienware X51 R2 and gaming wise it is also very good.

However now I`m wishing I got a 43" TV (which I was umming and arrring about before) and I was looking at the LG 43UN74006LB but have since learnt its a glossy screen. We are getting blinds (blackout) tomorrow so this should make a difference.

Finding out whether a TV is matte or glossy is often quite hard as its sometimes missed out in the specs. Before my LG C9 I had Panasonic TV's (in the lounge) and they were glossy and you get used to them (the picture from a glossy is meant to be better !?).

So I am on the lookout for a 43" TV preferably with a Matte screen and ideally it needs NowTV as one of the apps. Budget upto £400.

Also what do you prefer Glossy or Matte ?
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