glusterfs on RHEL



2 Nov 2008
The ether
Anybody got any experience using glusterfs? Ive been prepping for my RHCE this week, and i stumbled upon some interesting pdf's on GFS and geo replication.

Has anyone got this in production? Im curious as to its performance - against items like DRBD especially, so tomorrow i'll be playing around with 2 RHEL EC2 instances to see what i can find out.

My intention is to run my web applications in a Active/Passive cluster if it works as i think, and then have a heartbeat to tell the passive cluster node to kick in the services when the active has died.

I have seen it used in production unfortunately - DO NOT DO THAT!

It looks a good solution on paper and it performed reasonably well in lab scenarios but it does not scale happily and has more than it's fair share of bugs hidden away. It's probably a little better now but as a solution it was costing the business a very large amount of money in the end so we moved the affected storage to Netapp to make the problem go away.

It may be better these days but at that point our Linux guys couldn't make it work (and they were exceptionally good, I have an RHCE and I'm nowhere near their level) so I'd be very reluctant to go there again...
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