Gluten Free breakfast ideas

21 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I suffer from Coeliac disease and as such can not eat anything containing gluten.

My current breakfast of choice is pancakes made with gluten free flour topped with bananas and honey.

I am a keen long distance runner and swimmer, I am going to start swimming in the mornings before work. This means I will only eat a snack before leaving the house, swimming for an hour and then eating breakfast on the way to work on the train or at my desk.

I could make a pancake and just wrap it in tin foil and eating it when I get to work (my pancakes are quite big and think so I only ever make one) but wanted to think of some alternative ideas. The breakfast will have to be fairly substantional to make up for calories burnt while swimming (I want to maintain my weight rather than lose/ gain) and it will be accompanied by a protein shake.

Does anyone one have any suggestions on alternatives that can get eaten on the go?
Thanks for the suggestions everyone but it looks like we got a little bit off topic. I originally asked for ideas of food I could eat on the train/ at my desk :). I got myself a waffle iron in the end so have been eating waffles.
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