GMail deleted emails but no space freed up?

17 Jul 2008
we deleted 35,000 / 10GB of emails (well moved them to an offline folder), using Microsoft Outlook and (looking with webmail) they have all gone from the inbox, there is nothing in trash but after 2 days the mail box is still @ 19gb of 15gb used,

Any ideas on how to sort this out?
Google normally has a 30 day timeframe (for deleted stuff you can recover), but if you are purging it the refresh can take 24 hours to show.
Have you checked Google Photos and Google Drive as well? Both of those also count towards your 15GB allocation.
When we try and purchase extra space it shows 0 bytes for drive and photos, and 19.29gb in gmail

We cannot purchase extra space because its attached to a workspace account.. And.. My friend lost the loging details.. And he also lost the login to manage his domain...

Last resort is to try and recover the password for the 123 reg domain and repoint the email
double check that they have actually gone from the trash with a filter like

"in:trash before:08/01/2022"

sometime when you go to empty trash it only deletes 15,000 emails and then leaves the remainder sitting there until you empty trash again.
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