Does it work fully with compiz yet, or do have to use metacity?
Have there been any changes to metacity such that you don't need compiz?
Looks interesting. Might have to install Arch or something and give this a try.
What's the usual timescale between something like this being released and being available in your average unstable distro?
Just installed this from testing on Arch. I really like it It still needs a bit of optimisation (laggy and slow in places) but it beats KDE and the old Gnome by miles.
dislike it and also dislike natty now i have to start all over again and search for DE that i like =( i hate what they did to gnome and i hate how they dropped compiz in gnome 3 what a waste for great piece of software
Any of you boys got this working in dual or triple screen ?
I'm going round in circles - Something's not right with my setup
Has anybody tried to load Gnome 3 Fedora into VM VirtualBox. The reason why I ask,every time I try I get this error message, yet there is nothing wrong with my video.
What GPU does it have, and what drivers are/were you using? I've got GNOME 3 working with the nVidia proprietary drivers but despite reasonable effort cannot get it working with the nouveau drivers. I haven't got an ATi card to try with.