Gnome 3.0

7 Apr 2004

Just a heads up that Gnome 3.0 is finally due out this Wednesday :) It's looking pretty awesome so far, but it will be a big change and take some getting used to.


Hopefully it will be good and not go the way that KDE 4.0 did on release :)
Does it work fully with compiz yet, or do have to use metacity?

Have there been any changes to metacity such that you don't need compiz?

Sadly I think that still stands, it was a design decision simply because the new Gnome Shell is massively different code and structure wise. Maybe though the included compositing effects in the new shell will match or at least come close to what Compiz does?

Looks interesting. Might have to install Arch or something and give this a try.

What's the usual timescale between something like this being released and being available in your average unstable distro?

With Arch at least it will probably hit the testing repos on Wednesday and main stable ones in ~ 1-2 weeks. No idea about other distros but maybe in the next major release :) I would guess though most distros will have some community documentations on installing it manually within the next couple of weeks.
Just installed this from testing on Arch. I really like it :) It still needs a bit of optimisation (laggy and slow in places) but it beats KDE and the old Gnome by miles.

Excellent good to here :) I was going to install it from the testing repo as well, but I was recently retarded and erased my local pacman database = reinstall required :p :(
dislike it and also dislike natty now i have to start all over again and search for DE that i like =( i hate what they did to gnome and i hate how they dropped compiz in gnome 3 what a waste for great piece of software

Have you tried the fallback mode? That's supposed to be closer to gnome 2 I think.
Useful 'cheat sheet' for gnome-shell:

And some early shell mods:

The gnome-tweak-tool is great for enabling desktop icons and other little bits :)

I switched to it tonight, it seems ok but getting rid of desktop icons seems to me like going backwards rather than going forwards. Also little things like not being able to enable browser mode in nautilus so you can browse to a path manually, you can do it with ctrl+l but I can't work out how to make it persistent anymore :(

Also no option to shutdown? you're forced to press the Alt key on the menu to get a shutdown option. Honestly I don't know why the Gnome devs are so against offering these things as configurable options!

The activity thing in the top left of the screen is nice, but im not sure it works too well on dual screens. Certainly takes some getting used to, naturally we no longer have an option for a task list on the main bar :p

Otherwise I like it :)
If anyone is using 2 screens and has had issues with the dock extension i've made some simple changes to it play better with twinview'ed screens.

- The dock is now positioned on the right of the second screen (-20 pixels), before at least with me it was stuck between the two screens (nvidia twinview).
- Clicking on a dock icon multiple times will open one process per click on the current workspace rather than locking you to one instance.

Extensions to the shell are really easy as it's all JavaScript, so I think within a few months things will improve a lot :)

Now looks like:

Once the occasional rendering bugs are fixed I think it will be ok :) I still don't like the huge graphical list of apps under the activities menu though :p

My next job is to mod it so you can have a dual screen wallpaper, of course they didn't think that is a relevant feature in 2011...

EDIT: turns out multi-monitor wallpapers are already supported, and just need to to be done as a 'spanned' image :)
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I worked out how to enable browser mode / location bar in nautilus if anyone is interested :)

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry true
Has anybody tried to load Gnome 3 Fedora into VM VirtualBox. The reason why I ask,every time I try I get this error message, yet there is nothing wrong with my video.


I got the same error on my Laptop (not VM) which had a perfectly adequate GPU, haven't yet found a solution :(
What GPU does it have, and what drivers are/were you using? I've got GNOME 3 working with the nVidia proprietary drivers but despite reasonable effort cannot get it working with the nouveau drivers. I haven't got an ATi card to try with.

It's an Intel GMA X4500HD, I haven't spent much time looking into it though so maybe the Intel drivers just suck ***, but I think it should meet the min requirements :(

Surprised the noveau drivers aren't working for you, hopefully things will improve over the next few months though.
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