Gnome 3: Installing it on Mint 11?

19 Oct 2002
I found this, is that a good way to go? I want to keep my settings & have them in Gnome 3, hope this fixes the freezing & power save issue where the mon. goes of after a few mins of watching vids...
No offense but you've had four actively running threads in this forum in the last week, three of which (including this one) have had responses along the lines of "stop using old versions of software". Mint 11, how do you still even have a copy of that? It's four years old and it's been marked obsolete for nearly three years.

To answer your question, a quick gander through, the link looks about right. However, it's ridiculous to run such an old version. Whether your version of Mint works "properly" or not with the latest version of GNOME is unknown.

If you just want bog standard GNOME, I'd just install Debian and be done with it.
Well said.

My advice Edward is to just install windows and be done with it. As accessible as linux is these days you'll be better off with a system that hand-holds you a little more.
Thing is it's Edward78 though ... you know that:

(a) he will not listen to what is being said
(b) if asked a question will answer a completely different one
(c) be running some ancient version of software which no one in their right mind would still be running
(d) miss out vast amounts of relevant information in his first post which makes it either impossible to answer properly or the answers which have been given incorrect when the further information comes to light.

That and ask questions which can be answered with 5mins on Google, particularly if you are sitting in front of the system which is generating the problem in question.
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