GnuBox + N70

8 Jul 2004
Got web over bluetooth working:

(Click for larger Image - Taken with a D500 and shaky hand)

Done a quick speed test, reads:

295.2 kilobits per second
communications 295.2 kilobits per second
storage 36 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 28.4 seconds
Subjective rating medicore

Guide Used:

1 install mrouter from
2 install gnubox n70.sis from the testing directory
3 create an accesspoint named Bt
4 launch gnubox
5 install->create records
6 options->close (very importat!)
7 launch gnubox
8 2box bluetooth->serial port
9 select your computer
10 in the mrouter config UNCHECK bluetooth (widcomm) connectivity. Instead select the advanced button and check the COM port on which you have the serial port service of widcomm running.
11 in gnubox click debug->bring up IF. You should get a bluetooth connection to widcomm. At the first time you'll get a titification about on which COM port it connected to, make sure that was the one you enabled in the prev step. You should get a 'Connection open' message in gnubox.

Had this phone since release, never managed to get this working till a firmware update last week.
Credits to Xan for the guide
Phone used: Nokia N70
Drivers: WIDCOMM
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