Hoping to upgrade this week, going with a new AMD +3800 x2 but a little concerned over what memory to go for. Planning to get 2 gig dual channel PC 3200 CAS 2, never overclocked before but will probably try with this chip as it seems to clock quite well, having said that the cooler I'm getting is Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro so it won't be a major o-clock, not sure how much this affects memory selection . Noticed that some are of the opinion that its not really worth the extra cash and prefer to go for value memory... Is there much to choose from between the different brands? Was looking at the Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-079-CS) for around £124 (plus Mr Brown's share) but notice there are a number of similar options to go for, looking at the "latency" figures I guess that the lower the better?
Any advice would be appreciated...
Any advice would be appreciated...