Go on convince me Linux isn't a pile of ****

29 Sep 2003
Not darn sarf
...because i've tried it for a week.

Boots slower than Win XP
Still can't unzip an archive.
Control settings all over the place. I still cant find a way to adjust volume.
And now it has stopped letting me access my hard drives with an authentication failure.

From using it for a week I get the impression this OS is for people that dream of writing code all day and keeping people like me well away.

But it does look pretty...
Well firstly I'm a person who has absolutely no idea or understanding of code or programming languages.

Secondly it sounds like you are doing it wrong. I installed Mint Petra Xfce on my laptop a few weeks ago and it just worked straight out of the box. I have had to do zero (and I mean nothing) to get it working properly.

It took about 10 mins to install, boots in less than a minute and I didn't have to spend a full day doing constant reboots after installing a load of Windows updates. It's given my old Acer notebook a new lease of life and saved me some cash in that I no longer want a new one.

Also how many distributions have you tried and do you know you can boot the OS straight from a USB stick to try it before you install? I've got a 32gb stick with 12 different dist's on there all of which I've tried, some had issues with hardware but Mint didnt and felt the most familiar.

Also why you can't unzip anything is a mind blower, a 1 second search in google gives you the answer.
I think think its Mythbuntu thats causing the problems. It seems installing this 99% of the stuff needed to run it are missing.

I'll give it a bit longer. But it's just doing basic stuff on this like unzipping and its not there and I have tried everything google throws at me.
mythbuntu is just a pvr with all the extras taken out, as you have found out, try ubuntu or mint as Columbo suggested.
Linux is, at its core, a far more accomplished OS than Windows.

However, whether it currently is able to offer a better "user" experience for those that just want to turn their PC on, check an email or two, browse a website and then turn it off again, I'm not sure it does.

Everything has its use, as a code developer I use Linux on a daily basis and probably touch Windows once or twice a week. When I do (and try and develop) I am reminded how clumsy it is for that purpose.

But then I try and do something which harnesses the 3D capability of my PC and I'm reminded how much more advanced the Windows environment is (arguably not due to any fault of the Linux dev community though) in this regard.

I can;t believe you started with some random cut-back application specific distro as your first foray though heh.

For the record, most Linux distros can pretty much unzip out of the box, and do it far better and faster than a Windows machine ;)

Linux has a steep learning curve whereas Windows makes more sense initially, dig a little deeper and there are things about Linux you just can't live without. Personally I only go back to Windows if I absolutely have to, and I spent years asking people why Linux was so rubbish!
Directly from the top of the Mythbuntu page:

Mythbuntu is an official Ubuntu flavor focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV based PVR system. It can be used to prepare a standalone system or for integration with an existing MythTV network. Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to Ubuntu. This architecture allows simple conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu mirrors that of Ubuntu.


Mythbuntu uses the XFCE desktop. All unnecessary standard Ubuntu applications such as LibreOffice, Evolution, and a full Gnome desktop are not installed in a default Mythbuntu install. If at any time a user wants to, they can install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, or xubuntu-desktop and add a full desktop onto their installation. This can easily be done via the Mythbuntu Control Centre.

Clearly that is not designed to be a desktop environment? People are saying that claiming Linux is rubbish just because you didn't read the blurb and downloaded the wrong distro is not exactly constructive. Linux is not a commercial venture, it is the amazing combined result of hundreds of thousands of developers (typically gratis) efforts and on the whole can be made to fit almost anybodies computing needs, no mean feat.

I'm quite surprised they had even stripped out tar from that distro you downloaded as much of the Linux core functionality works on the presumption that the ability to untar is available, if they didn't then you DID have an archive program, you just didn't have a GUI for it (or perhaps ZIP functionality, which can be easily added on by downloading the correct package).

The point here is that, with a little patience you may find Linux isn't all that terrible and if you do, that's fine, everybody is different.
You've just basically fallen at one of the many Linux hurdles. Don't feel bad. The amount of distros out there makes most people's heads spin.

I have stacks of Linux discs and live CDs born out of trial and error. I bet most people on here have.
...because i've tried it for a week.

Boots slower than Win XP
Still can't unzip an archive.
Control settings all over the place. I still cant find a way to adjust volume.
And now it has stopped letting me access my hard drives with an authentication failure.

From using it for a week I get the impression this OS is for people that dream of writing code all day and keeping people like me well away.

But it does look pretty...

> unzip archive.zip

I have never used any Linux & this week I have built my first PC then I installed Linux mint 16 from a usb stick & with in 10 minutes it was up and running no problem what so ever so far.

Its early days as this only happened on Wednesday but all the signs are good so far
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