Goal to lose 10kg

18 Oct 2002
Moving from the mountains to the jungle, and then becoming a father has resulted in 8kg weight gain in the last 6 months:eek:

This post is mostly for me to reflect back on over the next months, it is probably pretty boring!

I used to walk 1.5miles to work and back every day, jog twice a week and on the weekend do long treks in the mountains (10-20miles, 1000-2000m ascent) but in January I moved to Virginia and became a father in March. I work form home so no walking commute. With the baby there was no time or energy for the first months to exercise, and then in the summer it is far too hot (35-38* but as humid as the jungle, even at 5am). I also don't have the mountains, and being a new father and new home owner my weekend excursions are short 3-4 miles strolls and mowing the lawn.

Pretty shocking how the pounds packed on. My diet although not excellent is OK, the weight gain mostly comes from lack of exercise and large change in lifestyle.

Anyway, I have set a goal to loose 10kg. Although I don't really care about the exact weight I want to get back to my fitness and figure- the weight has really put itself on my belly!:mad::(

Ultimately I want to find an external goal like running a marathon without caring about the weight, the weight will then just be a natural consequence. This will help motivate me.

My rough plan is this:

Slight change in diet. Since moving to the US I started drinking 1 can of soda in the day, this will go. I also drink 1 33CL bottle of beer a night 5 times a week (really, just the one small beer). The other nights might have a soda. These will be reduced, but beer will be used as a reward. Something like 1 bottle for every 4 or 5 miles of running.

Small reduction in carbs. I love fresh homemade bread, pasta, sweet potato mash and of course potatoes in any fried form. I don't won't any severe Atkins type diet but I will try to reduce carbs. Specifically at lunch I normally have a small salads and a sandwich- I will just skip the bread and potentially add something extra to the salad like chicken.

Eating slightly smaller portion. I was raised to always finish my plate, even if I was stuffed. I also eat quickly so I'm not aware of how much I eat until I am full.

Eat more fish. I really prefer chicken, beef, pork, lamb, venison, game etc but will try to add fish once a week. Maybe a vegetarian meal as well.

Overall, not a black and white change. My diet is fairly good as it is, plenty of salads, fruit, vegetables, home made bread, whole wheat pasta, fresh vegetables from garden, almost all meals home made, minimal snacking.

Secondly I will have to increase exercise more.
Despite working from home I am going to do a 1-2 miles walk each morning. I have started jogging again, at the moment around 4 miles a day but in the past I was getting to 12-16miles 3 times a week. But the jogging won't last unless I can make a goal like a marathon.
When it is too hot to jog or walk far I am going to get to the pool or gym.

I will see where I get to. I'm currently at 78KG and won't to get to around 68KG and maintain it there. The last type I was really active and in serious training I was down to 64KG.
64kg is low - how tall are you? It sounds like you know what to do, just do it! A goal always helps - what about a half marathon at whatever would be a high pace for you?

64Kg was slightly low, I'm 5ft 9". This was after around 12 months of intensive training for the Patrouille Des glaciers, the most famous ski mount aiming race in the world. After that I wanted to do more endurance stuff and started training for an ironman triathlon but my PHD bogged me down and I have never since got the motivation.

Yeah, I need some goal to work towards like the PDG rather than an artificial goal of losing weight. Just trying to think of something that will motivate me, is realistic but rewarding.

A half marathon might be a first aim but my local city marathon is in 60 days. I'm investigating my options. I'm very interested in triathlons because it just seems so much more diverse exercise. With jogging endlessly I get bored, knees and back hurt and I just find it less healthy when you push so hard doing the same exercise. Problem with triathlon is my swimming sucks, I can swim but don't like to do it as a workout.
A quick update, I'm down to around 69kg now and peaked nearer 79kg a few weeks after exercising, so that is 10kg.

I had dropped down to 72kg by early December but then it got really hard to exercise. The weather and dark evenings obviously were restrictive but I started at the gym. The baby started day care and was sick almost every week and needed looking after, I also had a nearly permanent cold for months because of that. Luckily I managed to to stop weight gain and actually slowly dropped to 71kg. The last month I have been getting more active again and weight seems to be between 68.5 and 70kg

I'm definitely wanting to drop a few more, I still have a belly which will hopefully go when I get down to 64-65kg.

The last week I got some runs up to 8 miles in around 1hr 10, not bad after months of little exercise. I hope to push that up to 10-11 miles over the next weeks. Then I will start researching about marathons, locations, dates, training. Not sure I can get the time to train properly but at the same time if I don't set a good goal I'm going to get bored very soon.the city Marathi. I talked about above, I just didn't get in shape for, 6 miles was still tough. Now I do 8 and know I can do a couple more on the flat but taking it easy, increasing 0.5miles a week.
It is a long time untitled eh city marathon here, end of November. Time to get in shape but a maybe too long.
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