God damn Ipod Nano

13 Jan 2004
South East
Well, i just bought an iPod Nano, so far i absolutely love it.

But, on the back of it, when i was unpacking it, there was a clear sticker with loads of foreign writing on it. So i peeled it off, only to find it left a patch of gooey sticky stuff behind, which i now can't get off. I can't believe it, I bet the sticker says "Do not peel this off".

Anyway, If i use some acetone or similar liquid with a cotton bud, firstly will that be safe, and is it likely to help me get this **** off?

Thanks in advance
Feek said:
Acetone melts plastic, use IPA (NOT IPA beer, but clear alcohol), dampen a cloth with it and just rub the stickyness off. 10 seconds. Sorted.


hmm, dunno what IPA is, but i wont try the acetone then, although its not really plastic on the back.

Glad its not justme that had the problem, you would have thought they would just not put the sticker there, or put it on the bit with the headphones in
Neon said:
mines the same lmao...

get your finger and rub it really hard til it kinda burns and it should come away

NICE ONE! This method worked a treat :) thanks

Feek said:
Isopropyl alcohol.

Chemists should sell it in small quantities, it's a very handy cleaning product to have kicking around, but don't drink it!


yeah i got some of that too for when im switching CPU's. But its all sorted now, thanks to the trusty hard finger rub method :)
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