Going abroad, how to prevent roaming charges?

31 May 2009
Specifically data roaming.
No wishing to be caught out whilst away and arriving back to a massive contract bill upon arrival, exactly what settings should my wife use on her iphone 3gS when travelling aborad to prevent any data charges and any roaming charges?

Additionally if one connects to a wireless network whilst away can one use data or is one still charged for it using a wireless network?
No charge for wireless data.

£3 a Mb.

I had mine on for GPS tracking and amassed a bill of... £1.53 which is about 512Kb of data...

You turn off data roaming to stop ANY data transfer.
Does turning off 'data roaming' kill wireless access also? Nub question, but I don't understand iphones, or phones in general for that matter.

Nope. It stops any data from being sent or received through the mobile network. It doesn't affect wi-fi access because that has nothing to do with your mobile service provider.
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