Going away for a month

2 Dec 2005
Lords, ladies and gentlemen

Going away for four weeks tomorrow. As such I've informed the parents that the pc is to stay on the entire time, none of this 16-hours-a-day rubbish it's currently on. Problem is, the room gets damn hot and ma mere has threatened to turn it "not on" if we get any really hot weather. I'll try and persuade her against that, but you never know.

Anyway, hope to have a slightly higher 24 hour average by the time I get back. Also hope for at least 55k 24 hour average, but lets go for 60k tbh. Hope you all have fun and productive summers :cool: .

Fold on :D
You could always use a timer plug, and set your BIOS to resume its state after power outage. Obviuosly just turning the power off is not good, however it would turn itself back on. :D

Otherwise have a good break :D

You can set an alarm boot time in the BIOS in the evening say for 7pm, have it crunch all night (when it's cooler) then create a .bat text file with the /shutdown command and then use the windows scheduler in control pannel to run the .bat file :)

I haven't tried it by I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Leaving in 20 mins, so ran out of time to organise automatic turning on/off of the comp. Hopefully my 24 hour average won't plummet too far.

Have a good month
Fold on
joeyjojo said:
:D not sure about cutting the power like that, every single day for a month. Might be slightly bad for the comp.


True that :eek:

Was just an idea ;)

Have a good'un

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