Going from an Onkyo 5.1 system to a soundbar - would I regret it?

15 Aug 2005
I'm moving out of a house and into a flat in a month or so, and I'm considering changing my Onkyo HTS-3305 5.1 system for a a decent soundbar instead. Partly because I worry the bass from the sub is going to upset neighbours, and partly because it's a massive hassle to disconnect, pack up, move, set-up again only to have to pack it all away again when I likely move again in 12 months time.

Question is, will I regret it? I haven't been able to have the rear speakers in a particularly ideal location at my current place due to the room layout, so I'm probably not getting the full effect from them but I do wonder if it's still something I'd miss if I had no rear sound at all. I don't know if I'll be able to have them in decent locations in my new place either.

Anyone done a similar thing?
or the other option is go a nice set of headphones/ head amp :D

Maybe for a bit of music late at night but I could never sit there comfortably for hours watching TV with headphones on.

Cheers lucid, hadn't really thought of doing it that way. Will see what sort of space I have to work with once I'm in the new place, a soundbar just appealed for the ease of connecting it up and packing away again. The Onkyo is a real pig to package up.
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