Going from Ultrawide to a large screen format

27 Dec 2006

Saw this on reddit and I like the layout of this dual screen setup. Currently I'm using a 34" ultrawide and an adhoc 24". I'm using my computer mainly for a WFH and wondered if anyone went from an Ultrawide to a normal larger style flatscreen? On my secondary display its had my work calendar and my chats (Google based company). I don't game on my desktop as much now and wondered if there was a game I would play in the future and miss the ultrawide style screen. Your thoughts?
I'm a bit weird and strange but I kinda like symmetrical layouts like the one above I saw on reddit. However on my desk is my ultrawide and its disproportion. Its driving me nuts and doesn't look like a clean setup.

I don't think I want to go as big as 42 because its a big investment for a monitor! I stretched out when I got this 34" so I won't want to spend as much. What options do I have for a large screen other than the 34" ultrawide?
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