Going to dubai

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

Im off to dubai for a short while and thinking of getting a new camera SLR perhaps..

Any suggestions?

I was thinking of the Canon 350D or the Nikon D70 but as I've never owned a SLR I wondered whether I should get one as I have never used an SLR before and am unsure of the settings etc?

What do you guys think?
i suppose there is the warranty issue as well....it would be void wouldnt it ?

I thought it would be 50 - 60 quid cheaper as dubai is tax free?
If you've never used an SLR then I wouldnt recomend buying one a bringing it on holiday straight away. You might come back dissapointed. You could use the programmed modes but then you will be using a vcery expsensive point shoot camera. Have a look at the Fuji Film S9500 as this comes standard with a very fast 28 - 300? lense. It will be a perfect learning tool for the step up to SLR in the future.

If you DO REALLY want an SLR then the D50 outpaces the D70 in a few areas, namely ISO quality and eas of use. (waits for the death threats). You can also pick up 350D's in similar price ranges. I would also recomend purchasing a second battery as extreme weather conditions can have drastic effects on battery performance. Lense wise, if you dont want to keep swapping lenses then the Tamron Super Zooms (28-200 and 28-300) will be a good travel buddy. However they are not fastes lenses so when the sun is going down I would recomend the Nikkor 50mm f1.8D which at £96 is a steal and produces some wonderfully sharp images.

Go to your local retailer and have a feel for yourself. Choose the one you feel comfortable with and dont let the sales person force you into buying something like they do in certain photographic shops in the UK.

Have fun in Dubai.

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