Going to gigs on your own?

28 Sep 2004
Just thought I'd ask this question; do you go to gigs on your own?

The O2 wireless festival is on soon, and there's still tickets for it, I really want to go see Daft Punk, LCD Soundsystem, Simian mobile disco, CSS, Mark Ronson...all on the Sunday but none of my mates want to go! I might feel like a pillock on my own but hmm, any of you lot go to gigs on your own?

I've got 2 exams the next day in the afternoon though so I'm at a quandry. Do I sacrifice a last days revision for some great bands...but alone?
Yea if I were you i'd go for it, great music and everyone will be pretty engrossed by it so they probably won't notice you standing on your own anyway. I think it would be a good way to relax before those exams too. :)
I went to see Ray LaMontagne on my own earlier this year as my mate who likes Ray had an exam, but I really enjoyed the gig. Meant I could focus more on the music too! :)
risk it for daft punk for sure ;) :D , especially if your already in leeds , would be criminal to miss it.

i always seem to end up separated from mates and talking to complete randomers anyway at festivals :o :p
I'm going on the Saturday :)

My friend went to a Tool gig recently by himself because someone backed out last minute, he still enjoyed himself. Personally though, I wouldn't.
I went to see Roy Harper on my own a couple of weeks ago and glad I did. When the music's good you concentrate on that, rather than your mates. Not sure about a festival. Had planned to go to Off the Tracks (little folk and blues festival) but my friends decided not to so I pulled out as well.
a whole day on your own would rock! not having to worry about other people, wandering round doing what you want. sounds great!

I saw A Perfect Circle alone, and I loved every minute.
Did a whole reading festival once on my own , despite more readings and glastonbury festivals with girlfriends and mates . The one on my own was the best as I did exactly as I wanted when I was there . :)
I've done it before about 3 times, simply because on weighing it up, seeing the band I want to see far outweighs not having someone there with you.

Once the gig starts there's no one to go 'wow that was good' to, but you will still really enjoy it. And with it being a day thing, there will be plenty there for you to go and do.

Go for it! :)
I wouldn't see a huge problem with it! I probably wouldn't go on my own if it was someone I wasn't too fussed over but if it was someone I had been dying to see I would not miss it at all!

i planned to travel to belgium for Graspop MM07 on my own, first foreign trip on my own aswell as first festival on my own.. i managed to get people to come with me at the last minute though lol.
i go to a fair few gigs on my own, and tend to end up on my own at festivals

the only bit i have a problem with is when you'd be talking to your mates i.e. when the music's not on, but it depends
if you're flitting between stages that might not be much time
and you might just be able to chat to randoms
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