Going to reinstall some advice please

16 Feb 2004
Am going to wipe everything of and reinstall as I have a lot of crap floating about and the pc getting a tad slow now. :eek:
I have a couple of questions would appreciate your views..

I have 2 160 gig drives running in raid and 1 160 gig as storage. Would it be easier to have 1 drive running windows keep other drive as storage and use second raid for programs as I have not seen any advantage for the raid in a year. :p

Also some of the big programs like Half life 2 can I take the folder and move to storage drive wipe disk then move folder back to save on a 3 hour patch download same as the e-mail folders?

Ta :D
Also does a program like Office need to be on the main drive to run or can I put it on the storage drive and still run it on there?
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